
Showing posts from 2014


Well the first week of classes for spring semester are over. All I have to say is I'm not going to have a life this semester... So much to do to keep busy. That's a good thing tho cause maybe it'll help mind stay off of other things. Lord knows I could use a distraction from that mess.... Cause how do you become something that someone will miss? And how much time does it take? Should you wait? My brains all muddled up so I don't know?!

current song that fits my mood

Lately i feel like the song "Highway Don't care" applies to my life right now.. There's just a lot going on right now and my future is clear but very far away and theres a lot of things that I still need to figure out... I know the blog is short today but like seriously.. I feel like it just can tell you what kind of place I'm in right now....

Wow... Long time no blog... and new years resolutions

I just realized... It's been over a year since I have blogged... man i have let the time go by... well here's a review of whats been happening with me: I got into graduate school and started this Fall.. Moved to Orangeburg and got a roommate from cali.. Interesting times... I discovered that I'm a major introvert.. I lost 30 lbs.. I tend to keep it off... New Years Resolutions for 2014: 1. Deactivated Facebook.. my goal is to keep it this way til 2015... Too much dependence on social media to be my interactions with people. 2. Run 500 miles or more goal for  this year 3. Do a race every month 4. Attempt to make all As this semester 5. Be more positive and optimistic 6. Pray more and Read my Bible more... 7. Attempt to blog once a week This is all for now... Remember  " Do not regert growing older. It's a privilege denied to many"