CRASH into ME.... )) Literally((

So I realized that I have not blogged in awhile. Today's topic is crash. Yesterday, like all of my typical Monday nights I was on my way to go teach swim lessons when this genius two cars ahead of me didn't put their turn signal on. So I braked  and was in the clear until I heard the person behind me trying to brake but they couldn't stop it. I was in the middle it was like being the cream filling of an Oreo when a little kid smashes it together.  So therefore my poor car's entire back end is dented in my trunk doesn't close, the bumper is pushed against my tire and my passenger door on the back doesn't open. Plus it caused me to hit the car in front of me. Which caused me to slam into the steering wheel and popped my air vent out. So I'm lucky that the only thing that happened to me was my shoulder. It could have been a lot worse. I'm thankful that I'm ok. But I will say I think that all of this could have been avoided with a simple turn signal at least 10-20 yards before the person had to turn. How many times do we go about our daily driving routines with close calls because people forget to put the turn signal on to change lanes or to make a turn?? I know I have thought about it and it's alot. I know that since I'm in my car 85% of my day/job that it probably happens to me more than most.

where my trunk won't close
 where i got smushed
 bumper rubbing against my tire * making it undriveable
 more dents
 where my car won't open
 front end that scraped the car in front of me who knows what else
 more damage

 Where my air vent popped out and went to the drivers side.

Just think about it the next time your in the car please.
It could help avoid an accident.


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