Just realized that I have not posted on this blog in over 4 years... WOW!! I woke up this morning and decided to change that. Most of my blog over the next year will probably include random stories about dating and my life as a SLP. For those of you that don't know I finally reached my goal of becoming a speech language pathologist and I currently work at an in patient rehab center with some awesome people and patients.
I bought a house in 2017 which was exciting and bitter sweet considering the circumstances of why I had to buy a house. It's exciting and challenging.  I'd say right now the most frustrating part of my life is dating!!
Things thus far that I have learned from my ventures using online dating and randomly meeting people in the grocery store or wherever:
Since when is it soo hard to just try to meet people, get to know them, and then decide if you want to date. The last year of being single from breaking up with my boyfriend has taught me a lot. And let me tell yall I am soo not a fan of this new age dating crap.
Like when did it become trendy for you to start talking to people and then cut them off without warning? Like whoever invented ghosting or coined the word or tend I really hate you.  I mean that with the utmost sincerity. Like it is not cool at all and it's extremely damaging to my psychological being and everyone else's that has been ghosted. I personally have not ghosted anyone cause I find it to be cowardly. If you don't like someone just tell them.
Another pet peeve of mine when it comes to dating, please do not assume because you took me out on a date that I am automatically going to jump in bed with you. The fact that you think I owe you that is appalling. Let's get one thing straight guys, you asked me out for a date. If you asked then yes you pay or I most of the time will pay my half. I'm not opposed to going dutch on a date. 
I think the worst date I went on in 2017 was in October. I chatted with this guy on Bumble for about 2 weeks and we finally had time to go out. I was so excited! I actually took time on my hair and make up and wore a nice top and skinny jeans and heels. If you know me you know how big of a deal this is for me. Well lets just say I should have known the evening was going to be rocky from the start. He called to let me know he was going to be late after I had already arrived downtown to meet him. So I thought okay well I'll it up a local bar and have a drink while I wait. Well I get to the bar and sit down and order  a drink. 30 minutes later he shows up and then proceeds to order a beer and put it on my tab. And I thought okay thats fine I'll get drinks and he can get dinner right? Well we go to dinner at a local sushi place. I think its going well cause we've been laughing and talking. Well it comes time to pay our bill. The guy attempts to pay and I say attempts to pay because his card got declined 2x! Well he gets up and then pretends to be calling the bank and walks out of the restaurant. Yall I sat there for about 20 minutes in disbelief. I totally got dined and ditched on a date yall! I was stuck with paying a $50 dinner bill. Which is fine cause I had the money and I work hard. But seriously I was thinking if you couldn't pay why did you ask me out? Also when I tried to call him and ask him why he did that to me. I discovered I had been blocked. So to me that screams he planned to do that. SO word of advice ladies if a guy is late for the date and puts drinks on your tab, don't let it go any further. Yup so that's my horrible date of the year for 2017. It wasn't my only bad date but it definitely is the top one.
Leave me a comment and tell me about your worst date or dating goals for 2018! I'd love to hear them!


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