

Just realized that I have not posted on this blog in over 4 years... WOW!! I woke up this morning and decided to change that. Most of my blog over the next year will probably include random stories about dating and my life as a SLP. For those of you that don't know I finally reached my goal of becoming a speech language pathologist and I currently work at an in patient rehab center with some awesome people and patients. I bought a house in 2017 which was exciting and bitter sweet considering the circumstances of why I had to buy a house. It's exciting and challenging.  I'd say right now the most frustrating part of my life is dating!! Things thus far that I have learned from my ventures using online dating and randomly meeting people in the grocery store or wherever: Since when is it soo hard to just try to meet people, get to know them, and then decide if you want to date. The last year of being single from breaking up with my boyfriend has taught me a lot. And let me t...


Well the first week of classes for spring semester are over. All I have to say is I'm not going to have a life this semester... So much to do to keep busy. That's a good thing tho cause maybe it'll help mind stay off of other things. Lord knows I could use a distraction from that mess.... Cause how do you become something that someone will miss? And how much time does it take? Should you wait? My brains all muddled up so I don't know?!

current song that fits my mood

Lately i feel like the song "Highway Don't care" applies to my life right now.. There's just a lot going on right now and my future is clear but very far away and theres a lot of things that I still need to figure out... I know the blog is short today but like seriously.. I feel like it just can tell you what kind of place I'm in right now....

Wow... Long time no blog... and new years resolutions

I just realized... It's been over a year since I have blogged... man i have let the time go by... well here's a review of whats been happening with me: I got into graduate school and started this Fall.. Moved to Orangeburg and got a roommate from cali.. Interesting times... I discovered that I'm a major introvert.. I lost 30 lbs.. I tend to keep it off... New Years Resolutions for 2014: 1. Deactivated Facebook.. my goal is to keep it this way til 2015... Too much dependence on social media to be my interactions with people. 2. Run 500 miles or more goal for  this year 3. Do a race every month 4. Attempt to make all As this semester 5. Be more positive and optimistic 6. Pray more and Read my Bible more... 7. Attempt to blog once a week This is all for now... Remember  " Do not regert growing older. It's a privilege denied to many"

" Shadow Days are over now"

Hello yall It's been awhile since I have posted. It's been pretty busy around here for the past two weeks. I had dinner theater at church , which was a wonderful expericence. I  got a new car!!! :) YAY!!! And I recently joined weight watchers because I'm sick of working out and it now paying off . Also its a good way for me to learn about eating healthy and stick with my resolution for 2012. The Shadow Days is of course a song by John Mayer, the love of my life. And I think that this song brings a good message because he's talking about how all his bad days are behind him and how they don't make him a bad person. I think that this applies to me in the sense that hopefully I have positive things to look forward to over this upcoming summer months. I'm on day 2 of weight watchers and I already feel better about myself. Which is the most important thing to me. Some of you are probably yeah, you really must know what you're talking about after 2 days but I ...

CRASH into ME.... )) Literally((

So I realized that I have not blogged in awhile. Today's topic is crash. Yesterday, like all of my typical Monday nights I was on my way to go teach swim lessons when this genius two cars ahead of me didn't put their turn signal on. So I braked  and was in the clear until I heard the person behind me trying to brake but they couldn't stop it. I was in the middle it was like being the cream filling of an Oreo when a little kid smashes it together.  So therefore my poor car's entire back end is dented in my trunk doesn't close, the bumper is pushed against my tire and my passenger door on the back doesn't open. Plus it caused me to hit the car in front of me. Which caused me to slam into the steering wheel and popped my air vent out. So I'm lucky that the only thing that happened to me was my shoulder. It could have been a lot worse. I'm thankful that I'm ok. But I will say I think that all of this could have been avoided with a simple turn signal at l...

Single goal

I know it's been awhile since I have blogged. Welcome to march everyone. This month is going to be nerve wrecking, heart breaking and busy due to finding out about graduate schools and dinner theater rehearsals . And the good news on the weight loss front is I have lost 10 lbs . I just have to keep them off that's the hard part. I have added a spin class to waking/cardio/ weights/ abs I'm hoping that I'll be ready for swim suits in June. Hope everyone has a great day!