And we're all just waiting...

Today's blog is inspired by Grey's Anatomy last night. It was about Valentine's day and all the trials that the couples are going thru. It also focused on Lexi who is alone right now because she wants to be with Mark but he's got a girlfriend.  I find myself this Valentine's day relating to Lexi. I'm alone but I have feelings for someone who doesn't have feelings for me. I normally relate to Christina on the show because she's hard core, focused, and just awesome. But right now Christina is mushed up over Owen.

All we need sometimes is for us to realize that the love we have for people may not be perfect but it's still a form of love.

I would love to be in love with someone that loves me but I'm thinking that is not ready for that yet.  I have technically "single" for about a year and half. I have learned a lot about myself. I think that I have to get over my feelings and start loving myself before I can love anyone else.

And I'm doing a good job at learning to love myself I think. I'm currently losing weight and working out more. I feel pretty good. A good friend told me that I should be more confident in myself. Confidence has been a huge issue for me with the opposite sex. Not so much with my friends, career, swimming, or family. For someone reason the opposite sex makes us all act like morons.
 But I guess if something didn't make us unsure then we would be human.

Hope everyone has a good Friday.


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