It's been awhile...

So I just noticed that it has been quite awhile since I have posted a new blog... well here are the updates that are currently going on in my life right now: I'm in the middle of graduate school applications =( AHHH SCARY!! This will determine if I'm suppose to be an SLP for life or if I need to rethink my life and figure out a new career... TALK ABOUT PRESSURE
I am no longer able to tell if I'm on a date or not with a guy.. Here's why : my normal definition of a date is where the guy asks you to hang out and you do. Also if he pays for the meal if you go to the meal and if you ride together. But I have currently learned that hanging out and going on a date are two different things. if anyone wants to clear this up for me that would be greatly appreciated.
I recently discovered that people will always always disappoint you in ways that you did not think were possible.
 And I have learned that I need to be living my life to the fullest because a little boy that goes to my church had a scan to today to look at a tumor that is entwined in his stomach wall connecting to other areas in the stomach to see if they an operate on it. You should always be grateful for life and the fact that you have the chance to live it.
 I love my dog. no matter how many times he steals my shoes and tears up my backyard. He's a great dog and companion. He knows exactly how to make me happy if I'm in a crap mood.

and finally I doubt that I will ever find great friends like the ones I made in my sorority Delta Zeta. I miss them tons and I really believe that they helped me become who I am today...

 Allison, Kat, and Me DZ fall 07 for life
 Whit mac * well know she's hough and me

Thats all for now!


  1. Since I'm brilliant I'll throw in the "date v. hanging out":

    A date consists of a guy calling/texting/in person asking a girl to have dinner or drinks and the guy picking up the tab for whatever they do followed by a nice walk or a trip to get ice cream. Riding together is optional because distance can be an issue at times.

    Hanging out is the equivalent of "let's get together and watch Harry Potter while drinking Kool-Aid" this Saturday and maybe ordering pizza while watching it.

    Hope that helps.


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