List of 10 things to accomplish before the age of 30

This is my first blog attempt. And I thought I'd add a list of things to accomplish before the age of 30.
Lame I know but its what I want to do and if you think its lame then thats your problem not mine :)

1. Get a Masters degree in Speech Language Pathology ** Don't care where I go just need my degree**
2. Work in a hospital setting in a foreign country.
3. Learn to speak fluent Spanish & Italian.
4. Get a Great Dane and name her Belle.
5. Live in Boston for atleast a year.
6. Meet Mr. Right <-- Cheesy but it needs to happen
7. Live in Italy for a year
8. Learn how to make sushi.
9. Lose 30 lbs.
10. Own a house on the beach.


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