Thoughts on Relationships/Marriage/Children

I personally am not in a relationship right now because I chose not to be. I don't want to be tied down to someone else when I have no idea where my life is going to take me. I refuse to apologize for that. Also I don't think that its ok for other people in society specifically in Southern Society to judge me because I'm 22 and want a career instead of a husband right now.  Also stop telling me that I will eventually want children one day. No I will not and if I do I will probably 40 and have to adopt them! Quit judging me! I also believe that if I am not attracted to you and have not shown you interest please refrain from being attracted to me or dropping hints that you want a relationship with me. I DON'T WANT A BOYFRIEND right now. I'll go on dates and have fun but I'm in no hurry to settle down.

This is my venting for today on this subject. if you don't like it DEAL!
Peace out.


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