So I just noticed that it has been quite awhile since I have posted a new blog... well here are the updates that are currently going on in my life right now: I'm in the middle of graduate school applications =( AHHH SCARY!! This will determine if I'm suppose to be an SLP for life or if I need to rethink my life and figure out a new career... TALK ABOUT PRESSURE I am no longer able to tell if I'm on a date or not with a guy.. Here's why : my normal definition of a date is where the guy asks you to hang out and you do. Also if he pays for the meal if you go to the meal and if you ride together. But I have currently learned that hanging out and going on a date are two different things. if anyone wants to clear this up for me that would be greatly appreciated. I recently discovered that people will always always disappoint you in ways that you did not think were possible. And I have learned that I need to be living my life to the fullest because a little boy that goes t...
This blog post is inspired by Janet Evanovich and Stephanie Plum. These are the 10 goals I have set for my self for the month of February 1. Do not focus on not having a love life. This is not a big deal because I have no idea where my Life is going and I really don't need a complication. 2. Be happy with my body. this is a struggle for me because I'm use to being about 10-15lbs skinner. 3. Exercise because I want to exercise. Not because I need to lose weight. 4. Spend more time with my friends. Definitely going to be doing this a lot more. 5. Appreciate my job. * no matter how bad my day goes I need to be thankful that I have a job. 6. Laugh more. Whether I watch funny movies or just crack jokes I could use more laughter. 7. Not worrying about Graduate School. If its going to happen it will. 8. Read more. * I'm currently working on this one right now, I highly recommended that # series with Stephanie Plum as the main character. 9. Go to Churc...
This are a list of quotes that I try to live by/try to remember when going thru everything in my life. I love grey's anatomy and a majority of these are from the show. Meredith Grey: Intimacy is a four syllable word for, "Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy." It's both desired, and feared. Difficult to live with, and impossible to live without. Intimacy also comes attached to the three R's... relatives, romance, and roommates. There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know. ** so true... i find that we often forget about people and that we sometimes don't remember how to deal with them. I feel like one of those people who is so miserable that they can't be around normal people, like I'll infect the happy people- Meredith Grey At the end of the day, there are some things you just can't help but talk about. Some things we just don't want to hear, and some ...
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